Sunday, July 3, 2011

Dear Internet Trolls

Today I read a post on "comedy" website about religion. Now, here we have 2 things that really should never meet.

Religion and the internet.

The basis of this post was a conversation between a student and professor about the existence of God, and at the end it was said that the student was Einstein. Now, most people in the comments were very quick to point out that this was probably NOT Einstein since he was not religious and because he was a "smart" man. But the thing that got me was the onslaught of Atheists posting about how "stupid" and "blind' those are who believe in the existence of God.

I am the first to admit I'm not a very religious person. I will even admit (not as willingly) I have questioned my faith and whether God exists. BUT I do consider myself a religious person and believe that there is some higher power in the Universe. I like to think of this power as God, but that's just me. I don't necessarily believe in all the teachings of the Bible, or of the church, but I do feel that there are good lessons taught by religion. People like the Westboro Baptist Church fascinate me because of how they follow every word in the Bible to the letter. I don't think that God hates me, or that he wants me to suffer. To me organized religion is flawed, not religion itself.

Many people who were commenting on this post were talking about how science proves faith is stupid. There were a few that said that they have faith, but it's in science and that they think that since they have proof they are right. It really didn't hit me until I started reading all of these posts just how religion-less internet trolls are.

I have nothing against Atheists. I feel everyone should have the right to believe what they want. I have super religious friends, and I have friends who laugh at religion calling it "fairy tales." I don't think there is a right or wrong point of view. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

The thing that bothers me to no end is how much people want to force what they think down other people's throats. And I kind of feel like a hypocrite simply writing this, but I'm all worked up about this and needed to vent. These internet posters (whom I like to refer to as trolls, though I'm sure someone out there would say they aren't) are all pushing their beliefs. There are over 340 comments, so I didn't read all of them, but I read a good chunk. I saw very few "bible-thumper" type posts. Most were Atheists saying how dumb the poster was to think Einstein would ever say anything in support of religion and how stupid religion is in itself. There was no one really saying anything different. There were a few here and there, but not very many in the scheme of things. I did post something, but I kind of wish I would've just kept my mouth shut. (To quote my own comment " think its funny most of the comments are from Atheists saying the same exact thing. We get it, you don't agree with religion and think the post is stupid. Get over it already, it's only 9gag.") Most people who have been commenting after me have been saying something similar (since a comedy website is no place for arguments over the existence of religion) but I'm pretty sure those who have been posting things like "STUPID FAKE STORY ABOUT EINSTEIN!!


STUPID IDIOT CHRISTIAN!" consider me to be one of the "religious freaks" they are against.

There may be God. Or there may not be. I believe there is; it helps me to get through life. The world would be far too cold and alone without the thought of God and the afterlife. I'm really not sure how people without religion are able to make it through the day. I guess thinking that this is all there is would make you want to make that much more out of life, but it doesn't really work like that for me. And I don't really want or need someone telling me why my view is wrong or why their view is the only correct one. I don't force my views on others (through writing this I'm not trying to "convert" any one, I'm just venting, promise). People on the internet like to get up on their soap box and preach. I've been complaining mostly about Atheists in this particular post, but I get just as annoyed by Christians who push their views on others. People should be able to believe what they want. I would say that this is one of the views that this country was founded on, but as a historian I know this really isn't the case and just how we view it now in retrospect.

The point I'm trying to make is people should be more open to the views of others. Whether everything happens for a divine reason, or it's all just coincidence, it should be up to the individual to decide. I have just as much of a right to believe there is a God and take comfort in that belief, as an Atheist feels comfort knowing that science has proof of everything.

Another thing I just would like to point out, while I'm venting, is that there ARE smart Christians. And I really shouldn't limit it to Christians; there ARE smart people who believe in religion. I consider myself a smart person. I'm not saying I'm a genius, far from it, but I know a thing or two about a thing or two. As much as I think that people should be open to the views of others, I think they should RESPECT people as well. Just because I'm religious doesn't mean I think that every Atheist is an ignorant prick. They aren't an ignorant prick in my book until they close their minds to the idea that someone thinks something different than them. I deeply take offense to remarks that say people who believe in God are stupid or dumb. My father, for example, is a very religious man. I know my father is not the smartest man in the world, but I think of him as a smart man, and his view of God shouldn't have any standing on the grounds of his intelligence. In the same way, a professor who doesn't believe in God should still be seen as a man of intelligence by any religious student.


That's my point. Respect the view of others, and hope they return it. If I knew the Bible a little better I may quote a passage that says something along those lines (since I'm guessing there's bound to be something like that in the Bible), but by doing that I would be counterproductive. I have my view, others have theirs. Respect that.

So, while I may be labeled by writing this (if any one who doesn't know me, or know me well, reads this) but I'm open to the views of others. All I'm saying is that the people in this thread on 9gag, and elsewhere, should do the same.

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