It's only been Spring for a short time, but apparently Southern California thought it was long enough and skipped ahead to Summer. It's 75 degrees on a Wednesday night in April, and I sit here in shorts and a tank top, with my fan on and all my bedroom windows open. It may sound as though I'm complaining, but far from it. I love the Summer time. Yes, I get that I don't necessarily need to capitalize it, but I love the season so much, I think it deserves it.
Nights like tonight make me really homesick. That sounds silly since I happen to be at home right now. But the Summer time feels the most like home. Yes, it has the perks of no school and beautiful weather, but that's not it. There's that something that can't exactly be described. A feeling in the air. It makes me think back to quiet moments on tour, where I could just appreciate the sunset in whatever state we happened to be in at that moment. The cool breeze at twilight through the trees. Sitting on my bed with a beer watching whatever cable show happens to be on that evening (let's be honest, usually True Blood). Sitting on the patio with friends talking about nothing in particular. Playing ping pong in the driveway with my neighbors. Driving through the desert at night, staring up at the stars. The smell of the field during the last bit of sun at band camp.
I have this weird anxious feeling tonight, too. I know it's just because I have to sub tomorrow and it's going to be a very long day (dance classes of 50-60 students each, then 2 hour rehearsal with my guard kids), but it's also part of the Summer feeling. I think I always get that anxious feeling at night in the Summer because I don't want it to end. I love when the heat, then cool evenings. I love the sunrise that just feels brighter than other seasons. I love how refreshing a cool glass of water feels. And I just hate that eventually the Summer will end.
This Summer I feel will be different. This is the first time in years I have someone I can really share my Summer with. Granted, I've had my fair share of Summer romances... in fact, I think 90% of my relationships were Summer/Drum Corps related. But this is the first time since being an actual "adult" that I have someone to spend my time with. I'm so excited to experience all of the things that make me love the Summer time with the man I love. (I feel really super cheesy having just said that. I will need to play a few more hours of video games after writing this so I don't feel like that girl anymore haha.)
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